Brief CV
PhD. Arabic Language and Literature,Tarbiyat modarres uni.
M.A. Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiyat modarres uni.
B.A. Arabic Language and Literature,Qom uni.
Teaching experiences
Course Taught (B.A):
nLiterary history of Andalusia
n Translation from Arabic to Persian and vice versa.
n Arabic poetry and prose texts from the start in Iran
n Literary history of 2th Abbasid era
n Conversation2
n Conversation3
n Translation of Quran
n Literary history of the fall of Baghdad to the contemporary period
n Contemporary poetry and prose texts (1)
n Literature committed of Ahl-Al-bayt
nReading historical texts in Arabic (1)
n Contemporary poetry2
n Translation from Persian to Arabic
n Research Method and Finding Resources
nArt of translation
n Writing2
n Writing3
Course Taught (M.A):
n Literary history of Abbasid era to the fall of Baghdad
n Contemporary poetry and prose texts
n Research Method and Finding Resources
n Scientific- Islamic texts
Conferences Scientific events
1-Influence Al- Tavabe & Al- Zavabe thesis of Ean- Shohaid Andalosi,of Badi’a Al-zaman Al- Hamadani’s Maqamaat, Zohre Naemi & Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari, International Conference: The heritage of Al-Andalus-Persia- Ibria,2015.
2- A comparative study of Shi'ite Poetry in Jaami & Debel Khazaii poetry,Zohre Naemi & Ammar Eskandari & Elaahe Tamimi,The International Conference on literature and comparative studies,2016.
3-Operation of stream of consciousness in literature Palestinian resistance: short story:Elaa an Na’ud of Qassan Kanafani, Farhang Mafakheri &,Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri ,National Conference of resistance literature and art,2016.
4-Comparative Analysis of Displays of Resistance in the Poems of Mofdi Zakaria and Farokhi Yazdi, Zohre Naemi & Ammar Eskandari,International conference on literary topics, language and cultural communication,2016.
5- Review and evaluate the technical language and translation of Surah Maryam case study: Elaahi qomsheii translation,Zohre Naemi & maryam shirkavand & fatemeh noroozi,National Conference on Translation and Ben-disciplinary studies,2016.
6-Analysis of the symbols of resistance in Shiite Poems- case study: Debel Ibn Ali Khazaii, ,Zohre Naemi, The fourth congress of resistance literature,2013.
7-Quranic intertextuality in Fadwa Touqan ‘s poetry, Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri, National Conference of intertextuality,2015.
8- Quranic intertextuality in Maroof Rosafi‘s poetry, Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri, National Conference of intertextuality,2015.
9- Study of Adolescence from the viewpoint of Nahj Al- balaqa, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj,Human scienses & Nahj Al- balaqa Conference, 2013.
10- The value of humility from the viewpoint of Nahj Al- balaqa, Sediqe Zoodranj & Zohre Naemi , Conference on cultural values, 2013.
11- Reflections on the Qur'an way to orphans and the importance of their supervisors, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj, National Conference on Islam and orphans,2013.
12-Method of dealing with the property of orphans and their economic security of Aemme, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj, National Conference on Islam and orphans,2013.
13- The responsibility of the classical Arabic language in children's literature in defiance of globalization and compared children's literature in Iran, Zohre Naemi , The International Conference on Activating the Arab language as a component of civilization- The future of the Arabic language in the era of globalization between hope and despair, and Alzavabe sis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s infl
Altavabe an Alzavabe thesis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s influence Badiuzzaman Hamadani
Altavabe and Alzavabe thesis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s influ
1-The Effects Of Palestinian Resistance In Farooq Jovaideh ‘s Poetry, (2014), Zohreh Naemi & Saeed Zarmohammadi, Arabic Literature Criticism,9,p173-208.
2-Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Science Fictional Works of Tawfiq al-Hakim. Case study: the play journey to Temorrow and the story in the Year Million, (2016), Zohreh Naemi & Farhang Mafakheri, Criticism of contemporary Arabic literature, , acceptance certificate of Journal.
1-shiites in Tripoli and Shaam Case Study: State Bani Ammar, Ali Ebrahim Trablosi, translatd by Zohreh Naemi, Tehran, ketab toot, 2011.
2- Literary and sociological analysis of religious symbols in poetry Shiites(First to fifth century AD), Zohreh Naemi, Tehran, Research center for islamic history,2011.
PhD. Arabic Language and Literature,Tarbiyat modarres uni.
M.A. Arabic Language and Literature, Tarbiyat modarres uni.
B.A. Arabic Language and Literature,Qom uni.
Teaching experiences
Course Taught (B.A):
nLiterary history of Andalusia
n Translation from Arabic to Persian and vice versa.
n Arabic poetry and prose texts from the start in Iran
n Literary history of 2th Abbasid era
n Conversation2
n Conversation3
n Translation of Quran
n Literary history of the fall of Baghdad to the contemporary period
n Contemporary poetry and prose texts (1)
n Literature committed of Ahl-Al-bayt
nReading historical texts in Arabic (1)
n Contemporary poetry2
n Translation from Persian to Arabic
n Research Method and Finding Resources
nArt of translation
n Writing2
n Writing3
Course Taught (M.A):
n Literary history of Abbasid era to the fall of Baghdad
n Contemporary poetry and prose texts
n Research Method and Finding Resources
n Scientific- Islamic texts
Conferences Scientific events
1-Influence Al- Tavabe & Al- Zavabe thesis of Ean- Shohaid Andalosi,of Badi’a Al-zaman Al- Hamadani’s Maqamaat, Zohre Naemi & Seyyed Adnan Eshkevari, International Conference: The heritage of Al-Andalus-Persia- Ibria,2015.
2- A comparative study of Shi'ite Poetry in Jaami & Debel Khazaii poetry,Zohre Naemi & Ammar Eskandari & Elaahe Tamimi,The International Conference on literature and comparative studies,2016.
3-Operation of stream of consciousness in literature Palestinian resistance: short story:Elaa an Na’ud of Qassan Kanafani, Farhang Mafakheri &,Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri ,National Conference of resistance literature and art,2016.
4-Comparative Analysis of Displays of Resistance in the Poems of Mofdi Zakaria and Farokhi Yazdi, Zohre Naemi & Ammar Eskandari,International conference on literary topics, language and cultural communication,2016.
5- Review and evaluate the technical language and translation of Surah Maryam case study: Elaahi qomsheii translation,Zohre Naemi & maryam shirkavand & fatemeh noroozi,National Conference on Translation and Ben-disciplinary studies,2016.
6-Analysis of the symbols of resistance in Shiite Poems- case study: Debel Ibn Ali Khazaii, ,Zohre Naemi, The fourth congress of resistance literature,2013.
7-Quranic intertextuality in Fadwa Touqan ‘s poetry, Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri, National Conference of intertextuality,2015.
8- Quranic intertextuality in Maroof Rosafi‘s poetry, Zohre Naemi & Bahman Jahangiri, National Conference of intertextuality,2015.
9- Study of Adolescence from the viewpoint of Nahj Al- balaqa, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj,Human scienses & Nahj Al- balaqa Conference, 2013.
10- The value of humility from the viewpoint of Nahj Al- balaqa, Sediqe Zoodranj & Zohre Naemi , Conference on cultural values, 2013.
11- Reflections on the Qur'an way to orphans and the importance of their supervisors, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj, National Conference on Islam and orphans,2013.
12-Method of dealing with the property of orphans and their economic security of Aemme, Zohre Naemi & Sediqe Zoodranj, National Conference on Islam and orphans,2013.
13- The responsibility of the classical Arabic language in children's literature in defiance of globalization and compared children's literature in Iran, Zohre Naemi , The International Conference on Activating the Arab language as a component of civilization- The future of the Arabic language in the era of globalization between hope and despair, and Alzavabe sis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s infl
Altavabe an Alzavabe thesis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s influence Badiuzzaman Hamadani
Altavabe and Alzavabe thesis of EbnShohaidAndalosi¢s influ
1-The Effects Of Palestinian Resistance In Farooq Jovaideh ‘s Poetry, (2014), Zohreh Naemi & Saeed Zarmohammadi, Arabic Literature Criticism,9,p173-208.
2-Utopia and Anti-Utopia in Science Fictional Works of Tawfiq al-Hakim. Case study: the play journey to Temorrow and the story in the Year Million, (2016), Zohreh Naemi & Farhang Mafakheri, Criticism of contemporary Arabic literature, , acceptance certificate of Journal.
3-Criticism and Study of theTwo Colors Red and Green in Poems of Nazik Al-Malaika,(2013),
Ali Piranishal; Zohre Naemi; Khadije Hashemi, Rays of Criticism in Arabic & Peasion Literature,12,p 33-52. 4-Color Expressions in Nazik Al- Malaika ‘s Poetry,(2015), Zohre Naemi & Khadije Hashemi, , Journal Of Anbar University For Languages & Literature,20,p1-27. 5-Black Color Meanings and Analysis in Poems of Nazik Al-Malaika,(2015), Zohre Naemi & Khadije Hashemi,Ibn Roshd, 18, 070-092. 6-Religious Symbols in Shiite Poems (First to fifth centuries A.H). case by case study on Imam Ali & Imam Hosein (PBUT),(2010), Zohre Naemi, Historical Studies Of Islamic, 3,127-145. 7-religious symbol between poetry and sociology of religion. Case study: komait & Al-Sayyed Al- Hemyari ‘s poetry,(2009) Saadeq Ayineh vand& Kobraa Roshanfekr& Zohre Naemi ,The International Journal of Humanities,16 ,p 1-12. 8- Analisis of Ayatollah M.Hossein Esfahani ‘s Divan( Al- Anvar Al-qodsiya), Distinguished poet of Ahl-Al-bayt,(2008), khalil parvini & Zohre Naemi Journal of Human Sciences in Al- Zahra Universty,67. |
1-shiites in Tripoli and Shaam Case Study: State Bani Ammar, Ali Ebrahim Trablosi, translatd by Zohreh Naemi, Tehran, ketab toot, 2011.
2- Literary and sociological analysis of religious symbols in poetry Shiites(First to fifth century AD), Zohreh Naemi, Tehran, Research center for islamic history,2011.
Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
Homelessness in the novel Barid Al-lail based on the theory of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
سحر فرمانی فیاض
Analysis of Radwa Ashour novels based on postcolonial studies, case study: (Siraj, Qeta min oroubba , Al-Tantouria)
میلاد درویشی
Layered Semiology of the Codes in the thirtieth part of the Holy Quran: A Barthesian Reading
نیلوفر زریوند
The Layered Semiology of the Codes in the Thirtieth Part of the Holy Quran: A Barthesian Reading
نیلوفر زریوند
The Image of a Woman in the Collection of Aynak Qadri by Ghada Al-Samman Relying on the Feminist Critique Simone De Beauvoir.
سپیده سادات شاه چراغ
The Study of "Face or State" in the Novel "AlLass & AlKalab" by Najib Mahfouz based on the Narratological Theory of "Gerard Genet"
شقایق خوشیاری
Theses advised
Psychological Analysis of the Element of Color in Divan Ahmad Matar and Mirzadeh Eshghi Based on Max Lusher's Theory
نفیسه مجیدی
Conceptual metaphorical effects with its imaginal schemes in the poems of Soad al Sabah
فاطمه خرمیان
Semiotics of the conceptual circle of the words of the greatness of God in the Holy Quran based on du Saussure's theory of semiotics, a case study of parts 29 and 30
خدیجه حبشی
Semiotics of the Conceptual Circle of the Words of the Greatness of God in the Holy Quran based on Saussure's Theory of Semiotics, a Case Study of Parts 29 and 30
خدیجه حبشی
The Structure of Place and Time and its Motion Dimension in Adonis' Poetry
خدیجه هاشمی
Published articles
Paper title
Magazine title
Publish year
Publish type
Article type
Social science fiction in the novel "Utopia" by Ahmed Khaled Tawfiq and the novel "A brave New World" by Aldous Huxley: a comparative study
Farhang Mafakheri,
International Journal of Special Education
Full Text
Study the monologue(singular first person) narative technique at the novely Hani Alraheb
Hosein Abavisani, Parchekani Fatemeh,
International Journal Advanced Biotecnology and research(IJBR)
Full Text