Abbas Sheikh Shoaee (Ph.D.)
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran.
1. Educational Degrees
- B.A. of Philosophy, Tehran University,1988
- M.A. of western Philosophy, Tehran University, 1990
- Ph.D. of Comparative Philosophy, Qom University, 2003
2. Teaching Experiences
a. Ph.D. Courses
- Philosophy of Mulla Sadra 1&2
- Anthropology in Transcendent Wisdom
- Ethics in Transcendent Wisdom
- Philosophy of Physics in Transcendent Wisdom
b. M.A. Courses
- Philosophy of the West 1&2
- Philosophy of Illumination (Ishraq)
- Divine Attributes and the Problem of Evil
- The Nature and Meaning of Religion
- History of Philosophy of Religion
- Mulla Sadra 1, 2&3
c. B.A Courses
- Ishraq Wisdom
- The Science of Usoul
- The Philosophy of History
- Islamic Philosophy
3. Published Books
- Religious Thought in the 20th Century, Translated and Published by the Center for Islamic Propaganda, 1996.
- The Foundations of Philosophy of Religion, Boustan Ketab Press, 2004.
- Natural Right and Human Being’s Right, Salman Pak Press, 2015.
4. Refereed Papers
- The Difference Between the Reform and Revival of Religion, International Congress on Imam Khomeini and Revival of Religious Thought, Collections of Papers, Vol.1, 1997.
- A Study on Causality in John Lock and George Berkeley, Part one, the Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No.12, 1998.
- A Study on Causality in John Lock and George Berkeley, Part two, the Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No.13, 1998.
- Compatibility and Cooperation of science and Religion, the Journal of Islamic Theology, No.27, 1998.
- The Criteria for Religious Government, Collections of Papers, Vol.1, 1999.
- God’s Names and Attributes and Their Restrictedness, 1, Journal of Islamic Theology, No.32, 1999.
- God’s Names and Attributes and Their Restrictedness, 2, Journal of Islamic Theology, No.33, 2000.
- God’s Names and Attributes and Their Restrictedness, 3, Journal of Islamic Theology, No.34, 2000.
- Comparative Study on Time in Aristotle’s Philosophy and Transcendent Wisdom, Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No.23, 2001.
- The Relation Between Right and Duty, Journal of Islamic Theology, No.29, 2001.
- The Study and Explanation of Religion and Philosophy, Journal of Isfahan Seminary, No.7&8, 2001.
- The Study on Platonic theory of Ideas and Mulla Sadra’s Thought About It, International Conference on Mulla Sadra and Transcendent Wisdom, Collections of Papers,Vol.4, 2002.
- Comparative Study on Motion In Aristotle’s Philosophy and Transcendent Wisdom, Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No. 37, 2004.
- The Argument for Motion In Aristotle’s Philosophy and Transcendent Wisdom, Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No.45, 2004.
- The Study on Suhrawardi’s viewpoints Concerning Primacy of Being and Essence, Journal of Kheradnameh Sadra, No.64, 2011.
- Primacy of Light and Accidental Actualization of Darkness in Suhrawardi’s Thought, Journal of Hikmat Isra, No.17, 2013.
- Human Being From Humanism and Mulla Sadra’s Point of View, 2013.
- Comparative Study on Sheikh Ishraq and Allamah Tabatabaee’s Fundamentalist Viewpoints, Journal of Ishrat, No.2, 2014.
- Ibn Sina on Revelation, Journal of Asfar, No.2, 2015.
5. Supervisor of Dissertations
- The Meanings of Intellect in Descartes and Mawlana’s Points of View, Sattar Tahmasebi, 2007.
- Plotinus and Mulla Sadra’s View Points on Emanation of One from Many, Zahra Fasihi, 2007.
- Comparative Study on the Place of First Emanation in Theoretical Mysticism and Philosophy, Nahid Soleymani Moqaddam, 2011.
- Ibn Sina on the Creation of the World, Mohsen Mamudzadeh, 2011.
- Critical Study on Imamate from Imamyeh Point of View, Manaz Tabarraee, 2012.
- Comparative Study on Sheikh Ishraq and Allamah Tabatabaee’s Fundamentalist Viewpoints, Hossein Khodadadi, 2013.
- Critical Comparative Study on Revelation in Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoints, Narges Khaleqi, 2015.
- Inventions of Mulla Hadi Sabzevari in Soul and Resurrection, Elham Ne’matullahi, 2015.
- Comparative Study on Death from Muhammad Taqi Ja’fari and Krishna Murthy, Tahereh Rasoulianfar, 2015.
- Rereading of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra’s Viewpoints Concerning Emerging Life, Parviz Maleki, 2015.
- Comparative Study on the Place of Imagination in Epistemology of Suhrawardi and Mulla Sadra, Mahboubeh Tavakkolian, 2015.
- Critical Study on the Relation of Soul and Body from Ibn Sina, Suhrawardi, Mulla Sadra and Descartes’ Thought, Hossein Razzaqi, 2016.
6. Advisor of Dissertations
- Soul and Its Relation with Body in Transcendent Wisdom and Leibnitz’s Philosophy, Abdul Muhammad Douraqi, 1998.
- Human Being from Imam Khomeini and Kier Kegaard’s Viewpoints, Zeynab Sane’ee, 1999.
- The Study on Ibn Sina’s Effect on Thomas Aquinas, Rozita Afraz Brojeni,1999.
- The Study on the Nature of Religious Faith from Allamah Tabatabaee and Paul Tillich’s Points of view, Hamid Reza Abdoli, 2007.
- The Portion of Christian Theology for Projecting the Problem of the Createdness or Oldness of Divine Speech, Heidar Abbasi, 2010.
- The Relation of Soul and Body from Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra’s Point of Views and Its Impact on the Problem of Resurrection, Narges Yavari, 2010.
- The Origin of Plurality and Structure of the Teaching of Creation in Islamic Thought, Zuhreh Rastegar, 2011.
- The Study on Philosophical and Theological Viewpoints of Abolbarakat Baghdadi, Hassan Ghafouri Fard, 2011.
- Critical Study on Richard Dawkins’s Point of Views about the Existence of God, Abdullah Bani Masni, 2011.
- Critical Study on Ibn Sina and Muslim Theologians’ Thought Concerning Extension of Divine Will Towards Human Being’s Will in Mulla Sadra’s Thought, Ziba Bashiri, 2013.
- Epistemological Foundations of Theological and Mystical Thoughts of Ghazzali, Ahmad Kadkhodaee, 2014.
- Critical Study on Ghazzali’s Theological Thought about the Relation of Divine Will towards Human Being’s Will, Behzad Navaki, 2014.
- The Quality of Divine Agency in the natural World in the Quran’s Viewpoint and the study of the Answers of Its Deniers.
- The Requirements and results of Mulla Sadra’s Gradual Unity of Being in Philosophical Psychology, Zahra Shokri, 2014.
- The Study on Ghazzali’s theological and Mystical Approach to Human Being’s Intellect and Love, and Comparing Them, Suham Ba’nouni, 2014.
- Critical Analyzing on Impossibility of Regress of Soul and Resurrection of Some souls Based on Sadrian Transcendent Wisdom, Hossein Heidari, 2014.
- Critical Analyzing of Ghazzali’s Challenges against Philosophers about Arguing the Existence of God, SoheylaMeydani, 2014.
- The Study on Discursive Knowledge from Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy, Wajiheh Khani, 2015.
- The Explanation of Philosophy of Life in the Quran and its Pedagogical Implications on Life Style, Fatemeh Muhammadi, 2015.
- Critical Study and Analyzing of Arguments and Foundations of Possibility and impossibility of Motion in Abstracts, Fahimeh Nazari, 2015.
- The Comparison of Anthropological Foundations of Mulla Sadra and Modern theories of Humanities, Reza Moradi, 2016.
- The Study on the Role of Nasiruddin Tusi in Historical Growth of Shia Theology, Vahid Talebi, 2016.